If there is no specific delivery clause in the contract, the delivery object will be deemed to be delivered "ex works"( EXW). 如果在合同中没有规定特殊的交货条款,商品交货将默认为工厂交货。
We shall be obliged by a quotation of your lowest price for the said goods free delivered at our works. If there is no specific delivery clause in the contract, the delivery object will be deemed to be delivered "ex works" ( EXW). 请对上述产品报运至我方工厂交货的最低价格。如果在合同种没有特殊的交货条款,交货商品将被认为是在工厂交货。
Loading Discharging and Delivery Clause 装货、卸货和交货条款
The comparison of three different supervision measures preventing market manipulation shows that post-event preventive measure is the most effective one while contract design, delivery clause design in particular, is an effective supplement measure. 三类不同防止市场操纵的监管措施的效率比较,表明事后防止措施是其中最有效率的方法,而合约设计尤其是交割条款的设计是它的一种非常有效的补充方法。